Just over a year ago.... my life crashed!!! Totally!!!
Everything I loved at work...shifted! Events that followed
just shattered my spirit... I just could not be and with out
support... I became a failure. Words truly do not have the ability
to express what I experienced.
I recently asked for information as I was gathering everything to
give to a "life coach"... but both emails were opened and viewed but no response.
So after today... I will do my best not to look back and try to understand...
Why I could not get any help at any level....
Many have listened to my journey only to be left with their jaw wide open...
wondering as I did....
But I know as I go forth... I will be successful, I will find my new calling
and it will be something that heavenly father will be happy to see.
So just as my front page opening states...
Let each be himself, and not somebody else.
Nor Covet what others hold,
Each one has his place,
That he may best fill...
Thanks for letting me share....
I believe it is time to be the best that I can....
Hugs and Peace unto all
Bless you for sharing and I wish you well in the upcoming new year!!